Political adviser Maeng named home minister

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-08 09:39:49 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Political adviser Maeng named home ministerPolitical adviser Maeng named home ministerPresident Lee Myung-bak yesterday named#x his special politicalATM Partsadvisor Maeng Hyung-kyu to head the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and Choi Joong-kyung, ambassador to the Philippines, as his top presidential secretary for economic affairs,网站优化, the Blue House said.

The personnel reshuffle follows former Public Administration Minister Lee Dal-gon’s departure from his post earlier this month. Lee quit to run for governor of South Gyeongsang in the upcoming June 2 election.

President Lee also named Noh Yun-hong, presidential secretary for health and welfare affairs, as the chief of the Korea Food and Drug Administration, and Yoon Sang-jick, head officer of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy’s planning andATM Partscooperation office, as new presidential secretary for knowledge and economy.

Maeng, a former SBS television anchorman, entered politics in 1996 as a lawmaker for the 15th Parliament and he served as legislator for three terms from 1996 to 2008. Maeng failed to win his fourth National Assembly term but he managed to return to politics after President Lee appointed him special political advisor in 2008.

Choi, a veteran finance public service worker, served as deputy minister at the Knowledge Economy Ministry.

“Public Administration Minister-designate Maeng puts great emphasis on trust and principles and he is expected to skillfully field the ministry’s current issues including making changes to administrative districts across the country by enforcing strict discipline among public service workers and government officers while heightening cooperation among provincial governments,” Blue House spokeswoman Kim Eun-hye said. “Choi Joong-kyung, presidential economic advisor-designate is expected to play a crucial role strengthening cooperation within government economic offices and enhancing international cooperation inATM Partseconomic issues#x particularly with G-20 Summit participating nations.”

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