Viacom Says YouTube Ignored Copyrights

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-07 09:34:59 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Viacom Says YouTube Ignored CopyrightsViacom Says YouTube Ignored CopyrightsSAN FRANCISCO — Pointing to internal YouTube e-mail messages, Viacom #xsaidCarbon fiber hoodin a court filing that the video site’s founders turned a blind eye when users uploaded copyrighted clips so they could amass a big audience and sell the company quickly.

The charge was one of many made by Viacom in filings unsealed on Thursday in its three-year-old copyright lawsuit against YouTube and Google, which bought YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion.

Google fired back, saying Viacom was distorting the record by taking passages from e-mail messages out of context. It also said Viacom employees and agents “continuously and secretly” uploaded clips from the company’s television shows and movies to YouTube for promotional purposes, even as they were complaining about copyright violations.

“They are both tearing each other up, andCarbon fiber hoodboth are scoring points,” said Eric Goldman, director of the High-Tech Law Institute at the Santa Clara University School of Law.

The lawsuit accused YouTube of profiting from thousands of clips from Viacom movies and shows that were uploaded to the site without permission.

It was filed at the height of tensions between Google and media companies over copyrights — tensions that have since eased substantially. YouTube,网站优化, which is by far the Web’s largest video site, has set up an automated system to detect infringing videos and signed revenue-sharing agreements with more than a thousand media companies.

But more broadly, media companies remain wary of losing control as more of their products become digital, making them easier to copy.

As part of their motions for summary judgment #xin the case, both sides released hundreds of pages of documents and exhibits on Thursday, including internal documentsCarbon fiber hoodobtained through the discovery process.

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