The last of the spirits3

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-01-26 11:27:35 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

<a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'The');" target="_self"><u><strong>The</strong></u></a> last of the spirits3The last of the spirits3For a moment the spirit lifted its dark robe like a wing,and showed Scrooge a room, where a mother and her children were sittingCore Drill Shank.The young woman kept looking at the clock,and when her husband arrived, she hurried to meet him.

‘What—what is the news?’she asked him worriedly.‘Is it good!…or… or bad?’

‘There is still hope,Caroline,’he replied.

‘How can there be hope?If that hard,mean old man wants us to pay back the money now,they'll send us to prison!We haven't got enough to pay him!’

‘He is dead,Caroline,’answered her husband.

‘Thank God for that #x!’cried the young woman from her heart.The next moment she realized what she had said.‘Oh, I didn't mean that.I'm sorry if anyone dies.’

‘Perhaps the person who inherits his business will give us more time to pay the money backCore Drill Shank.And we'll have the money by then.Tonight we can sleep well,Caroline!’

‘So,spirit,’said Scrooge in a broken voice,‘you can show me only happiness at this man's death.It frightens me,spirit.Show me,please,that there can be sadness at a death.’

The ghost took him silently through the streets,to poor Bob Cratchit's house.The room seemed strangely quiet.The mother and her daughters were making a small white cotton shirt together,while the usually noisy young Cratchits sat silently in a corner,and Peter was reading a book.Mrs Cratchit put her work down on the table,and covered her face with her hand.

‘The colour hurts my eyes,’she said.The colour?Ah,poor Tiny Tim!

They're a little better now,’she went onCore Drill Shank.‘It's difficult to work by candlelight.And I don't want to show red eyes to your father when he comes home.’

‘He's a bit late,’said Peter,‘but I think he's walked more slowly these last few days,mother.’

They were very quiet again.At last she said bravely,‘I've known him walk with—with Tiny Tim in his arms,Travel qingdao,very fast indeed.’

‘So have I,’cried Peter.‘Often!’

‘But he was very light to carry,and your father loved him so much!And there's your father at the door now!’she got up quickly to kiss Bob as he came in.He looked tired and thin, and needed his long scarf,poor man!Martha took his boots and scarf off,and Belinda brought him his tea,and the little Cratchits sat close to him.He was very cheerful with all of them,and was pleased with the little shirt that his wife and daughters were making.

‘It'll be ready long before Sunday,won't it?’he said.

‘Sunday!You went there today,then,Bob?’asked his wife.

‘Yes,my dear.You'd love to see it #x.It's a beautiful green place.But you'll see it often.I promised him that we would go there every Sunday.My little,little child!’cried Bob,hiding his face in his hands.He had loved the boy very much.

TAG: qingdao travel





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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