Save energy everywhere

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-01 08:55:21 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Save <a href="javascript:;" onClick="javascript:tagshow(event, 'energy');" target="_self"><u><strong>energy</strong></u></a> everywhereSave energy everywhereThe Energy Saving Trust #xtogether with industry professionals and the government, has devised a system of grading householdenergy saving lampitems and brands according to their energy efficiency and impact on the environment. Those that make the grade are awarded Energy Saving Recommended status. Look out for the blue Energy Saving logo on products and select these items instead of less energy efficient models.

Making your house more energy efficient is also vitally important if you are considering putting your property on the market. From June, houses for sale will need an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) as part of the new Home Information Packs (HIPs), which grades your home according to its green credentials. So a good energy rating could have a detrimental effect on your selling price.

There are moreenergy saving lampfor different appliances that you might be aware. Here’s a run through of the main products you can pick up if you’re shopping for new household items.

An energy saving washing machine uses, on average, a third of the energy used as that of a regular model. So a more efficient model is great way of saving money, particularly when you consider that on average households wash 274 cycles a year.

When trying to use less energy in the home it’s important to choose energy saving products to support your efforts. If your boiler’s on the blink, washing machine’s is broken, or you’re just considering investing in more energy efficient products, help is at hand to find the best appliances for the environment.

While not, strictly speaking, appliances, adding cavity wall or loft insulation #xas well as double glazing not only makes your homeenergy saving lampmore energy efficient and better for the environment,Carbon fiber hood, but will also add value to your property.

TAG: carbon fiber





:loveliness: :handshake :victory: :funk: :time: :kiss: :call: :hug: :lol :'( :Q :L ;P :$ :P :o :@ :D :( :)


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  • 建立时间: 2010-01-19
  • 更新时间: 2010-05-24


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