Australia unveils "bionic eye" sunglasses

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-06 15:54:52 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Australia unveils "bionic eye" sunglassesAustralia unveils "bionic eye" sunglassesBionic Vision Australia officially unveiled a sunglasses prototype for a bionic eye on Tuesday, #xwhich researchers hope to implant in its first recipient in under three years.Hotel lock

The prototype uses a tiny video camera attached to the middle of a pair of sunglasses, which researchers developed to improve the sight of those suffering degenerative vision, including an estimated 50,000 Australians.

The camera captures images that are sent to a transmitter a patient wears in their shirt pocket or on a belt. The signal is then sent using radio waves to a microchip implanted in a patient' s retina on the back of the eye. Electrodes on the retina are then stimulated, which the brain interprets as an image.

"It's amazing technology," said Leighton Boyd,Hotel lockwho has lost nearly all his vision as a sufferer of retinitis pigmentosa.

Boyd, 57, was diagnosed as a child with the degenerative disease and his eyesight slowly faded in his teens.

While science has advanced technology at a record pace,#x he didn 't think a world where vision-restoring visors like those in sci- fi fantasies such as Star Trek could be possible in his lifetime.

"I was actually thinking this would be a long way away," Boyd, who is Victoria's state president of Retina Australia, told Australian Associated Press.

"It surprises me that it's really here so soon.Hotel lockIt's life-changing. The initial prototypes were a lot bigger but by the time the human trial comes ... they'll be even slimmer.#x By then,Offset Plates, it will just be a little thing on your belt and the glasses."

TAG: offset plates





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