Former model sues Steven Seagal, alleges sexual assault

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-07 09:24:45 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Former model sues Steven Seagal, alleges sexual assaultFormer model sues Steven Seagal, alleges sexual assaultA former model accused actor Steven Seagal of using her as his "sex toy" after she was hired to be his assistant, a lawsuit filed this week said#x.

The action movie star's lawyer called the sexual harassment suit "a complete fabrication" and said the woman was fired for using illegal drugs.

Construction MachineryKayden Nguyen, 23, answered an online Craigslist ad for an executive assistant job at Seagal's production company in February and was soon on his private jet taking off from Los Angeles, California, bound for New Orleans, Louisiana, the suit said. Seagal's A&E reality series -- "Steven Seagal: Lawman" -- films segments in New Orleans.

"As the jet taxied down the runway, Mr. Seagal turned to Ms. Nguyen and said 'I'm a family man, and I live with my wife, but she wouldn't care if you were my lover,' " the suit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court said.

"Ms. Nguyen decided to take a wait and see attitude," the suit said.

After Nguyen arrived in New Orleans,#x "she learned that the job she was expected to perform. had nothing to do with being an 'executive assistant,' " it said.

Over the next five days, she was sexually assaulted three times by Seagal at a house "many miles from New Orleans in a remote rural area of Jefferson Parish,"Construction Machinerythe suit said.

Seagal also kept "two young Russian 'attendants' on staff who were available for his sexual needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,网站优化," it said.

During Nguyen's first night on the job, Seagal demanded a "massage," it said.

"He then proceeded to treat Ms. Nguyen as his sex toy."

The suit gives graphic details of Seagal's alleged groping and fondling of Nguyen.

Seagal responded to "Nguyen's terror with the order to 'relax,' 'we won't do anything special tonight. I'll save that for another night,'#x " the suit said.

The suit alleged that Seagal and his co-workers with the production company ignored her repeated complaints and the assaults continued,Construction Machineryincluding a "vicious sexual attack" on the second night.

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