Flood warnings issued after heavy rain and snow thaws

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-23 12:50:24 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Flood warnings issued after heavy rain and snow thawsFlood warnings issued after heavy rain and snow thawsThere are no severe floodOTR Tyrewarnings in force in the UK. There are #x21 flood warnings in England and two in Wales.

In Scotland a landslide led to the closure of the A76 in Dumfries and Galloway, while a section of the M74 was shut. Both have since reopened.

And in south Wales, properties in Maesteg, Bridgend, Ebbw Vale and Monmouth were also flooded.

Mid and West Wales Fire service sent extra appliances to Carmarthen Bay Holiday Village at Kidwelly, where flooding was described as severe.

The Environment Agency has flood warnings in place for the Anglian, Midlands, North East, Southern,网站优化, South West and Thames regions of England as well as theOTR TyreRiver Wye and Lower Dee Valley in Wales.

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency has lifted its warning of flooding on the River Nith downstream of Auldgirth including Dumfries.

Weather experts have said localised flooding was caused by a combination of factors.

In a number of areas the ground remains frozen beneath the surface, which means excess water will run into rivers instead of being absorbed by the soil.

Although conditions will improve there is still "wet weather to come" along the south coast of England, she added.

These wet conditions would push "further south and east" and temperatures would fall to slightly above freezing - particularly in the far north and east of England, creating "icy stretches".

Meanwhile, throughout central England the thaw #xafter cold conditions have caused hundreds ofOTR Tyrewater pipes to burst and leak.

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