Turkey Faults Germany and France on Military Sales to Greece

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-20 08:54:18 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Turkey Faults Germany and France on Military Sales to GreeceTurkey Faults Germany and France on Military Sales to GreeceJust as the German chancellor #xarrived in Ankarachristmas wreathon Monday for bilateral talks, fraught with differences over education and accession to the European Union, a fresh rift seemed to have emerged over policies toward Greece, Turkey’s regional rival.

Egemen Bagis,网站优化, Turkey’s chief negotiator with the European Union, has criticized Germany, along with France, for seeking to sell military equipment to Greece while pressing the government in Athens to make drastic public spending cuts as a result of its dire financial crisis. The pointed critique of Berlin and Paris was made in an interview last week in Brussels.

Mr. Bagis’s visit to see E.U. officials took place as Greece’s debt problems dominated the European Union’s agenda, having plunged the euro into the worst crisis in its history. On Friday, Chancellor Angela Merkel played a central rolechristmas wreathin an E.U. summit meeting that put in place a financial safety net for Athens, but only reluctantly and after insisting on a tough austerity package in Greece.

Mr. Bagis also said that to help Greece escape its “economic disaster” and reduce regional tensions, Ankara would reciprocate if the Greeks froze or cut defense procurement.

“One of the reasons for the economic crisis in Greece is because of their attempt to compete with Turkey in terms of defense expenditures,” Mr. Bagis said.

“Even those countries that are trying to help Greece at this time of difficulty are offering to sell them new military equipment,” he added. “Greece doesn’t need new tanks or missiles or submarines or fighter planes, neither does Turkey. It’s time to cut military expenditure throughout the world, but especially between Turkey and Greece. Neither Greece nor Turkey needschristmas wreathneither German nor #xFrench submarines.”

TAG: 网站优化





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