Name change stirs Pakistan protest

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-10 13:03:26 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Name change stirs Pakistan protestName change stirs Pakistan protestEight people have been killed #xin northwestern Pakistan duringVintage jerseysprotests against plans to rename the country's North West Frontier Province, witnesses reported.

The protests erupted on Monday and continued for a second day on Tuesday, as scores of people took to the streets of the city of Abbottabad.

Police fired tear gas and bullets into the crowd after protesters attacked two police stations and torched several vehicles, killing seven people, Asif Gohar Khan, a local police official, told The Associated Press news agency.

But demonstrators said police shot and killed at least eight people during the clashes.

The demonstrators were protesting against a parliamentary proposalto change the name of the North West Frontier Province,Offset Plates, or NWFP, to Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa.

The name change was pushed in part by the Awami National Party, a PashtunVintage jerseysnationalist group that leads the provincial government in the northwest.

But the violent protests have temporarily delayed the scheduled presentation of a constitutional reform. bill to change the name to the upper house of parliament.

Proponents say the bill is designed to strengthen parliamentary democracy and give greater power to the provinces, as well as replace the British-colonial name of North West Frontier Province.

The lower house of parliament voted through the 18th amendment in a unanimousvote last week.

But many non-Pashtun groups in the northwest, including the area's ethnic Hazara population, have opposed the idea.

Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder, reporting from #xthe city of Abbottabad, said the 18thVintage jerseysamendment has become a real problem for Pakistan.

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