Ailing Dennis Hopper gets Hollywood star

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-21 15:48:14 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴

Ailing Dennis Hopper gets Hollywood starAiling Dennis Hopper gets Hollywood starHopper,网站优化, 73, has advanced prostateEmbroidered Fabricscancer and was said #xin court documents this week to have dropped to about 100 pounds (45 kg) in weight and to be too weak to continue chemotherapy.

Hopper wore a bandage on his head and on his right hand at the ceremony. He attributed them to injuries he suffered in a fall after a paparazzi called out his name as he walked outside.

"I thought I recognized the voice, so I kept walking and turned around but I didn't see the little ridgeline in the road and I took a terrible fall because I have no muscle," the actor told reporters.

"So I fell directly on my face, and I had my glasses in my hand. I got pretty screwed up," he said.

Hopper, who began his career in the 1955 teenage rebellion film "Rebel Without a Cause" with James Dean, is embroiled in a divorce battle with his fifth wife.

Court documents in the case said he was too frail to continue with chemotherapy. But Hopper won his doctor'sEmbroidered Fabricsapproval to attend the ceremony unveiling his Walk of Fame star and honoring his work in more than 150 movies.

The Hollywood Walk of Fame features about 2,400 stars and stretches 2.4 miles down Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street.

Hopper was accompanied by Viggo Mortensen with whom he appeared in the 1990s films "The Indian Runner" and "Boiling Point."

Hopper is best known for directing, writing the screenplay and starring in 1969 counter-culture movie "Easy Rider" with Peter Fonda.

The actor was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September 2009 and in January he started divorce proceedings against his wife of 14 years, Victoria Duffy.

The two have since been engaged in an ugly tug-of-war over their 7-year-old daughter, Galen. Last month Hopper won a restraining order keeping Duffy out of hisEmbroidered Fabricshome#x in the southern California beach city of Venice.

TAG: 网站优化





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